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Policy & Design Reports

This section features a series of original research reports aimed at developing design and policy tools that address flood adaptation and historic urban form change in the context of New York City.

​Browse the publications below to learn more about the flood risk faced by New York City's historic built environment; the multiple goals and values involved in the transformation of historic streetscapes towards flood resilience; streetscape-sensitive flood adaptation design strategies for New York City's historic buildings and neighborhoods; real-world design studies, and heritage resilience policy-making agendas.

Digital Report 04

Adaptation Design Study: South Street Seaport

Building on the Adaptive Streetscape Framework and Streetscape-Sensitive Design Strategies developed in the previous reports, this report envisions the adaptation of a mixed-use street corridor in South Street Seaport historic district as it relates to the retention of the street corridor's vigor, scale, transparency and accessibility.
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