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Real-World Design Studies

Two real-world design studies envision the adaptive transformation of New York City's historic mixed-use and residential street corridors, bridging street-scaled resilience planning and building-scaled retrofitting proposals.

See Digital Report 04 | Adaptation Design Study: South Street Seaport

& Digital Report 05 | Adaptation Design Study: East Harlem


Living Above the Street:

Stewarding New York City's Historic Built Environment Towards Flood Resilience
A 2022 Onera Prize for Historic Preservation Project
Ⓒ Ziming Wang, 2023

33 National Register Historic Districts intersect with New York City's current floodplain,

accounting for 24.6% of all such designations across the city.

See Digital Report 01

Flood Risk of New York City's Historic Built Environment

Streetscape Change

New York City's Post-Sandy Building Code requires elevating all habitable spaces of structures within the 1% floodplain to above Design Flood Elevation (DFE).

This strategy has caused extensive streetscape changes in waterfront neighborhoods, leaving waterfront historic urban forms at high stakes.

See Digital Report 01

Flood Risk of New York City's Historic Built Environment

Innovative Design Strategies

Living Above the Street:

Stewarding New York City's Historic Built Environment Towards Flood Resilience
A 2022 Onera Prize for Historic Preservation Project
Ⓒ Ziming Wang, 2023

Innovative design strategies on building, street and neighborhood scales are urgently needed to facilitate the streetscape-sensitive flood adaptation of New York City's historic built environment.

See Digital Report 03

Streetscape-Sensitive Design Strategies

Interactive Map

Check out the Interactive Map: Flood Adaptation × Historic Preservation in the United States, which lays out design, policy, technical, and financial resources on the flood adaptation of historic built environment across the country.

See Interactive Map: Flood Adaptation × Historic Preservation in the United States.

Policy-Maker & Stakeholder Interviews

Living Above the Street:

Stewarding New York City's Historic Built Environment Towards Flood Resilience
A 2022 Onera Prize for Historic Preservation Project
Ⓒ Ziming Wang, 2023

The heritage resilience discourse has an interdisciplinary nature. Therefore, a collective dialogue is of vital importance: it allows us to acknowledge different values, knowledge and expertise as we tackle the climate crisis and envision our shared urban future.

See Policy-Maker & Stakeholder Interview Series

Streetscape Transformation

A thorough understanding of the various significances associated with historic streetscapes may help us responsibly transform them towards flood resilience, balancing key values including building integrity, street-level interactivity, social-spatial relationship, and usable floor area.

See Digital Report 02

Adaptive Streetscape: Concept & Framework

Living Above the Street:

Stewarding New York City's Historic Built Environment Towards Flood Resilience
A 2022 Onera Prize for Historic Preservation Project
Ⓒ Ziming Wang, 2023

Policy-Making Agendas

Living Above the Street:

Stewarding New York City's Historic Built Environment Towards Flood Resilience
A 2022 Onera Prize for Historic Preservation Project
Ⓒ Ziming Wang, 2023

With the exploration of creative design strategies comes the need for Building Code reforms and heritage resilience policy-making that better accommodate the characters of urban building types, recognize streetscape-sensitive design solutions, and incentive adaptation undertakings.

See Digital Report 06

Policy & Procedural Recommendations

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